Contact us

For your residential projects, you can reach our professional teams from Quebec or Montreal using the contact information below.

For commercial or multi-residential projects only, please contact Frank Myrand at 1 800 280-3130 or by email at

Contact Informations


935, rue Lachance
Quebec City (Qc)
G1P 2H3

Tel. : 418 831-1321
Toll-Free : 1 800 280-3130
Fax. : 418 831-1149

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Weekday Evenings: By appointment
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Montreal (SieMatic)

1327, avenue Greene
Westmount (Qc)
H3Z 2A5

Tel. : 514 380-9503

Opening Hours

By appointment only

Write to us